Seabee Memorial at Veteran’s Memorial Garden, Antelope Park, Lincoln, Nebraska
Antelope Park and Sunken Gardens
The Seabee memorial was designed, funded and constructed by Det-0415 personnel, as well as through a large donation from Nebraska Island X-1 of Navy Seabee Veterans of America. Without the help of these Seabees from the past, the Nebraska Seabee Memorial would have remained a vision and not the very real tribute it is today.
Antelope Park is a particularly beautiful park offering extensive facilities, including Rose Gardens, Sunken Gardens, fountains, statues, Lincoln Children’s Zoo, a recreation center, a golf course, trails system, tennis courts, swimming pool and several playground areas and is accessible for all children. This park appears to be several parks as it is bisected by many streets.
Sunken Gardens, at South 27th Street and Capitol Parkway, is a beautiful terraced garden featuring thousands of annuals, reflecting ponds, waterfall, paved pathways with donated engraved concrete pavers that memorialize special people and events, restrooms and an ornate gazebo. The gardens are ADA accessible.
Veterans Memorial Garden, located east of Auld Recreation Center at 1650 Memorial Drive, has more than 15 memorials and over 3,000 “Bricks Of Remembrance” honoring veterans of foreign wars. Memorials include World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Pearl Harbor, Airborne, Air Force, Coast Guard, Disabled Veterans, Ex-Prisoners of War, K-9 Corps, China / Burma / India, Medical, Purple Heart, Military Women, Special Forces, Merchant Marines, Seabees and Naval Armed Guard.
Driving Directions
From Airport: Take Interstate 80 East to Interstate 180 South. Follow Interstate 180 South to Capital Parkway, then exit and proceed East and South. Turn right on South 27th St. and proceed to A St. & turn left. Park will be on the right just before you get to Normal St.