Navy Seabee Foundation

New theme

Honoring ‘Can Do’ Service.
Building Community for the Future.

The Seabee Historical Foundation proudly preserves, promotes and perpetuates the rich heritage of the U.S. Navy Seabee military construction force and Civil Engineer Corps.

‘Can Do’ Career Connection

Are you a Seabee looking for a new job opportunity?

Are you an employer looking for qualified candidates who possess the unique Seabee skillset?

Visit the ‘Can Do’ Career Connection today to learn more!

Featured Ambassador

Explore Seabee Ingenuity at Work

When Seabees were out in the field away from the “comforts” of the main camp and reliable supplies, their ingenuity not only supported the war effort but made life easier for all. How can soda bottles, palm trees, and empty oil drums help win the war? For more than 75 years, the U.S. Navy Seabees have kept the Navy and Marine Corps forging ahead with just such items.